
PaperArtsy Blog Topic #4 Books and Journals

Hi everyone, the weather here is already summer-like. Hot hot. The PaperArtsy Topic #4 Books and Journals witch my post 'Junk Journal' more photos and explanation is here, please take look.

Etsuko xxx


PaperArtsy Topic3 Hp+ESA


The PA blog has been very exciting recently and designers have been happily posting their colourful creations, including the new Matint, so I thought I'd use it a little differently myself here.
On this topic (Vintage) had me thinking about how to mash up my chosen HotPicks decorative large number stamp set  with the Seth Apter stamp set. I thought a bit about what to make, but then I remembered the building block cubes my kid,  and a calendar I'd seen on Pinterest and decided to use that as a template.

Combining Seth's stamps and Hot Picks tissue paper, this was another fun collage, recalling Seth's painting of an old piano.


Hi everyone

Etsuko (My favorite thing) here with you today. I've been XXX lately. 

